January 16, 2023

Why your employees are your most important customer

HiveMinded is hiring for several positions in our Manchester creative agency.

There is a proverb about wise and foolish builders. I'll paraphrase for the sake of word count; essentially, it says a wise builder builds on a rock foundation, and a foolish builder builds on a foundation of sand. The home built on a rock foundation will still stand when the rains come.

It applies to businesses too; your employees, co-workers, "meta mates", or whatever honorifics your HR department prefers; they are your foundation of brick that keeps it strong during stormy weather.

Your business can have the best plans, a purpose-driven vision for the future, and bleeding-edge technology that people should clamour to buy. Still, if your people are not engaged with the company, the results will be half-hearted, and success will be fleeting.

A business, perhaps a specific business like a creative agency, will be successful with happy and satisfied clients. The best people to deliver those results are ahappy and satisfied Hive of people.

Creative agencies must provide their Bees with clear expectations with clear and achievable goals. Working under a cloud of ambiguity leaves people directionless and doubting their purpose within the organization; with those expectations and objectives, regular constructive and supportive feedback demonstrates the agency's commitment to the Bee's success.

People want to know they're valued. A very competitive salary, benefits package, path for career advancement and growth, and training opportunities are a few ways to demonstrate to the honey makers that the agency appreciates their work, but it's more than that.

Showing the agency cares about their well-being by encouraging them to maximize their weekends and vacations is another. Work is only one aspect of someone's life. Allowing people to enjoy the rest of their life is another.

An agency is like a colony, and a colony is more successful when it has a positive and inclusive culture that encourages teamwork and values the diversity of people and ideas.

Supporting the swarm is more than just a pat on the back or a few kind words; although there should be no shortage of either, it's providing all the tools and resources they need to do their best work effectively and efficiently.

Showing your employees they are the most critical customers means having open and honest communications across teams and levels of the business; there should be no silos. Leaders must actively listen to their employee's feedback and suggestions and apply them for continuous improvements in the agency and their working environment.

Make it buzz by recognizing, celebrating, and rewarding everyone's contributions to the agency's success. Your people are valuable to the success of the organization. Remind them how much you value their contribution.

After delivering a project on time and on budget, it's easy to remember the artists and copywriters as their work is seen, but don't forget to celebrate the contributions of the people answering phones, clearing the loo, or keeping the tea stock plentiful.

I think I've run out of bee metaphors. Thank you for indulging me with this many.

An agency needs to provide opportunities for employees to connect and build relationships with people outside their immediate teams. It's easy to lose sight of others'value when you only see the contributions of your teams. Connecting with people across the agency will let people appreciate and value each other's contributions.

A happy hive will deliver the most honey (ok, I had one more, but I was saving it, and I promise it's the last one). When an agency takes care of its people, its work will reflect the value and appreciation given.

HiveMinded is hiring for several positions in our Manchester creative agency. You can see our current openings for something that fits. If you don't see a precise fit, feel free to submit your CV, as we might have the perfect opportunity for you.