July 17, 2023

The Power of Emotion: Unleashing Behavioural Economics and Creativity in Marketing

In our immersive world of marketing, the science of emotion rules.

Humour us.

Can you remember the last advertisement you saw?

Difficult, right?

Now, remember an advertisement that made you laugh, cry, or even seethe in anger.

Much easier, isn't it?


The answer lies in the 'emotion potion', an intoxicating blend of behavioural economics and creativity that makes marketing messages resonate deeply with consumers.

In our immersive world of marketing, the science of emotion rules. Weaving stories that pull at the heartstrings isn't just a poetic indulgence. It’s an orchestrated strategy designed to make audiences sit up, remember, share, and, most importantly, open their wallets.

Don't mistake this for manipulation; we're merely dancing with the subconscious and its proclivity to form deep emotional connections.

Emotion in marketing is never a 'one size fits all' approach. It’s a labyrinth of complex possibilities, from happiness to sadness, anger, or fear; every emotion carries a distinct undertone and calls for its specific setting.

A hilarious ad might seem perfect for promoting a comedy show but used for a funeral service, you might just end up playing a sombre requiem for your brand.

Stay with us as we delve into the science behind this.

Our brains are intriguing little devils influencing our behaviour, decision-making, and memory through emotions. For example, fear is a primal emotion that triggers a 'fight or flight' response.

It’s an irresistible hook that insurance companies use effectively to reel in their audience. But remember, it's crucial to align the strategy with your product and your goal. Misuse fear, and it can just as quickly repel your audience.

Emotional marketing is not about shooting arrows in the dark; it’s a calibrated science. Have you ever heard of Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions? It’s a fascinating framework that explores the nuances and relationships between our emotions. Consider it a compass guiding your journey through the vast emotional seascape of your audience.

Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions

With this knowledge, how do you craft the perfect emotional message?

Storytelling, visuals, humour, social proof, urgency, and personalisation are all tools in your toolkit.

We can all fondly remember campaigns by a sweets brand, tapping into nostalgia and the deep-rooted emotion of love between siblings. It wasn't just chocolate; it was a token of a shared past, a symbol of love. That’s emotional marketing at its best.

Measuring the success of your emotional marketing is as vital as the campaign itself.

Yes, emotions are subjective and thus immeasurable, but let's remember we're dealing with science here. Surveys, feedback forms, sentiment analysis, facial coding, and even biometrics can help gauge the emotional responses of your audience. And the metrics? They range from engagement, reach, conversions, retention, and loyalty to advocacy.

Like all potent potions, handle your emotional marketing with care. It's not simply hiring a star-studded influencer, putting out a controversial ad, or piggybacking on a stereotype. Remember the backlash Gillette faced when it tried to redefine masculinity? Yeah, that's what happens when you dictate rather than empathise.

Another word of caution: honesty is critical. Consumers aren't fools. They can smell a fake or exaggerated story a kilometre off. And it's a surefire turnoff. In the words of Oscar Wilde, "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

Embrace authenticity.

It’s a language that consumers understand and respect.

Finally, consistency and relevance are paramount. Your message must reflect your brand's identity, tone, and voice. A misplaced emotion can spell doom.

Picture a health or finance brand using humour in their communication.

Exactly, it's a train wreck waiting to happen.

As a marketer, tapping into the power of emotion is both art and science. It requires understanding your audience, selecting the right emotion, crafting a message that resonates, measuring the response, and recalibrating your approach.

When done correctly, emotional marketing can catapult your brand into the stratosphere of memorable campaigns. In this thrilling dance with emotions, we must remember that the heart rules the mind.

And as marketers, it's our job to keep the rhythm alive.