July 2, 2024

Rest, Recharge, Refuel: A Marketer’s Guide to Sustainable Wellbeing

Explore how prioritising self-care enhances marketing performance, boosts creativity, and supports sustainable wellbeing in a high-pressure industry.

“Breathe in...and breathe out.”

After yet another late work call, you set down your phone and try in vain to calm swirling thoughts. As marketers, we pride ourselves on being creative, innovative, and always switched on. But between the nonstop digital pressures and client demands, we often neglect our health.

It’s OK, we’ve been there too—way too many times.

When we’re stuck in an endless cycle of stress, it’s impossible to produce our best work. But what if there was another way? Beyond being merely a “nice-to-have,” prioritising self-care gives us a strategic edge. Let’s talk about how looking after our well-being helps us show up as better marketers and leaders.

The Marketer’s Perfect Storm

We all know marketing can be intense—rapid-fire deadlines, constant multitasking, and keeping up with customers’ 24/7 expectations. Not to mention needing to stay atop the latest social media and tech trends. And that’s all while navigating stakeholder demands and plans changing on a dime!

While exciting, this nonstop stimulation also comes at a cost for many of us:

• Mental overwhelm and decision fatigue

• Trouble focusing and lack of creative sparks

• Feeling drained, cynical or dispassionate  

• Physical symptoms like headaches, stomach issues, and poor sleep

Over the long run, these chronic stressors can spiral into burnout. Research shows that burned-out employees are less productive, more likely to quit their jobs, and prone to serious health problems.

Clearly, something needs to change in our operations. But what if achieving more actually requires doing less?

The Superpower of Wellbeing

Here’s the truth: our well-being isn’t just vital for basic functioning.

Looking after our health also unlocks higher performance, boosting qualities that matter most for good marketing:

More Energy and Resilience

Good stamina fuels us to meet tough deadlines without crashing. Healthy habits also build our capacity to handle setbacks and adapt to nonstop change.

Enhanced Creativity  

When we carve out time for rest, new ideas can suddenly percolate. Things we obsess over late at night often untangle themselves by morning. Space away from work ignites those eureka sparks!

Clearer Strategic Thinking

Stepping back from the frenzy sharpens our ability to think critically and make sound judgments. With fresh eyes, we identify smarter opportunities.

Increased Empathy

Tuning into our own needs boosts our sensitivity to understand customers better. When internal noise quiets down, we can hear what people are really asking for.

The takeaway is that nourishing ourselves powers up the qualities that make us outstanding in our jobs. Rest fuels the fire for us to burn bright.

Turning Wellness Wisdom into Daily Wins

Alright, but between back-to-back meetings and pushing to hit targets, how do we make self-care more than just a nice idea?

Little daily tweaks that support our energy, focus and inspiration can work wonders, even with packed schedules.

Here are practical places to start:

Move Your Body

Whether taking a short walk between tasks, some desk stretches during calls, or starting meetings with a quick guided meditation—quick bouts of movement make a difference.

Mind Your Nutrition

Healthy fuel powers peak performance all day. Pack some fresh veggies, fruits, nuts, or seeds to graze on. Stay hydrated, and limit caffeine after 2 p.m. so it doesn’t mess with your sleep.

Give Your Brain a Break

Ever hammer away at a presentation that’s just not coming together? Stepping away and letting your subconscious make connections often do the trick. Schedule at least 30 minutes of non-screen time in your calendar each day.

Establish Work Boundaries

Feeling pressed to be constantly available? Set ground rules like not responding to emails after 6 pm or blocking time for focused work. Protect space for your best thinking.

Permission to Play

When was the last time you did something purely for joy? Creative outlets like painting, playing music or baking give our brains a chance to meander and unlock fresh connections.

Invest in Your Tribe  

Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Share wins, talk through hurdles and remind each other to practice self-care. We’re all in this together.

Overcoming Roadblocks to Rest

Even armed with helpful wellbeing strategies, putting them into daily practice still takes commitment.

Old habits die hard, and it's normal to run into some common roadblocks:

The “Always On” Mentality

Modern work culture often rewards nonstop hustle and being endlessly available. But remember that downtime ultimately boosts productivity - working longer hours doesn’t equal better results. Give yourself full permission to disconnect.

Debunking the Guilt

It's easy to believe that any time not spent working must mean we’re somehow slacking. But rest is never unproductive - it’s an investment that compounds back into our careers. Remind yourself there’s no need for guilt!

Decision Fatigue

By the time late afternoon rolls around, making one more choice feels excruciating. So, eliminate any need to deliberate for self-care. Make healthy routines effortless by embedding them right into your calendar and environment.

Feeling Overwhelmed by Everything at Once  

Major lifestyle overhauls rarely stick. Make things manageable by picking just 1-2 minor changes to start with, then gradually build momentum. Tiny Consistency wins the race!

Choose Sustainable Wellness - For All of Us

Here’s the bottom line. As marketers, nurturing our energy, creativity and purpose is not a luxury - it's how we unleash our best work.

What would it look like for you to build little pockets of space for rest and joy this month? How could prioritising self-care help you show up as your best self on the job?

When we change the tide for our own well-being, it lifts up everyone around us, too. Our teams deserve leaders who walk the talk on healthy, sustainable vision, just as our customers depend on us to create campaigns that come from a life-giving place.

So, breathe deep with me now. And let’s commit to valuing human sustainability as much as driving business returns. Here’s to being both thriving marketers and thriving human beings. Shall we start this journey together?