February 9, 2023

Is agency life forgetting real life? Or did real life forget about us?

Welcome to the land of deadlines, lost weekends, coffee-fuelled all-nighters, and pitches that would dazzle Don Draper. Yes, friends, we're discussing the wonderful world of marketing and creative agencies.

Welcome to the land of deadlines, lost weekends, coffee-fuelled all-nighters, and pitches that would dazzle Don Draper. Yes, friends, we're discussing the wonderful world of marketing and creative agencies.

But seriously, have we lost touch with what the outside world is like? When was the last time you, as the kids say, "touched grass?" Or are we too busy devising the "next big thing" to notice?

We enter agency life with bright eyes and dreams of seeing our creative ideas on the big screen or, at minimum, a giant billboard that our mum can see. The glamorous life of Friday afternoon cocktails, busy social life on weekends, and those times our creative director hoists us on his shoulders when we pitch the perfect jingle for a national pet food campaign.

Let's be honest; Friday afternoon cocktails are mostly midnight pints in front of the Tele, as the 9-to-5 thing is a myth in agency life. It's more like 9-to-whenever-the-client-approves-the-presentation.

Those weekends with friends? Those are just two more days to find the proper Burmese cats for your pet food campaign because the Siamese cats you've contracted are, according to your director, "completely different cats" and "Me-Yum! Absolutely must come from a Burmese, or the whole campaign is a failure!"

Does anyone else feel like they're losing touch with reality?

Do we live in an alternate universe where the only thing that matters is winning trophies and finding the right cat?

It's time for a reality check. Agency life is just a tiny part of our real lives. And if we don't take control now, we'll end up burnt out and out of ideas.

So, let's take a step back and breathe.

Let's escape the typical agency bubble and return to the real world.

Let's find new hobbies, explore a new city, and spend time with friends and family. Unique experiences and perspectives are a breath of fresh air for your creativity.

How is your mental health?

The constant barrage of ideas and stimuli is overwhelming. It's a never-ending game of Whac-A-Mole, but tasks and emails pop up instead of moles.

We need to disconnect and decompress.

Whether going for a run, meditating, or binge-watching a Netflix, make time for yourself. You'll return to work with a clear mind and ready to tackle everything that comes your way.

We understand most agencies won't let you break the cycle of deadlines, lost weekends, and mind-numbing arguments over virtually identical cats.

HiveMinded is not the run-of-the-mill type of agency–this is not where people care more about awards than they do people. We've listed our best careers if you want to join a new colony. If you don't see the perfect fit, send us your CV; we might have the ideal fit.

So, don't let agency life consume you. Your real life is waiting.

To make your re-entry into real life a little easier, we've prepped your resignation letter.

Dear [Manager's Name],

I hope you're doing well, but you're probably up to your eyeballs at work and coffee to read it anytime soon.

With a heavy heart (and a lighter workload), I must inform you of my resignation from this fantastic and fast-paced creative agency.

You're probably thinking, "But who will wrangle the cats?" Fear not; there will always be someone with bright eyes and 'DonDraper dreams' to pick up the slack.

You see, there's the opportunity to join a new agency called HiveMinded, and it's a place where they value people as much as the work.

Can you imagine that?

A place where the "life" part of work-life balance isn't just a buzzword?

I know! It's revolutionary.

But in all seriousness, I want to thank you for the experience and memories I've had here. I've learned much about the industry and the importance of never losing touch with reality.

So, with a smile on my face, excited about my new adventure, I bid farewell to this lovely agency.

Thank you for everything.

Best regards,



Signed:___________  Dated:________________