October 2, 2024

Choosing the Right Platforms: The Social Media Channel for Your Brand

Choosing the right social media platforms is key to boosting brand visibility, engagement, and growth. Learn how to match your strategy with audience needs.

Social media is a crucial marketing channel for modern brands, with 81% of US small and medium businesses using social platforms. However, with new options constantly emerging and existing networks rapidly evolving, selecting the right mix of channels for your brand can be challenging. This comprehensive guide covers key factors to evaluate when deciding where to focus your social media efforts for optimal impact.

Understanding Your Audience

The starting point for developing an effective social media strategy is to gain crystal clarity about who you are trying to reach and influence.

Demographics: Carefully analyse demographic traits like age, gender, location, income level, interests, etc., to compose detailed buyer personas. For example, Instagram and Snapchat over-index with youthful audiences, while middle-aged users flock to Facebook and LinkedIn.

Behaviour Analysis: Go beyond surface demographics to understand nuanced platform behaviours. As they casually browse, YouTube and TikTok users expect snackable, entertaining video content. Whereas LinkedIn visitors seek insightful commentary and articles relevant to their industry roles.

These insights allow you to select appropriate platforms where your personas are present and shape content strategy to match audience expectations on each channel. Skincare brand Vaseline propelled its comeback by partnering with Gen Z micro-influencers on TikTok through dances and viral “skin positivity” trend alignment.

Defining Your Goals

With established goals, you can objectively assess alternative platform capabilities for fit beyond ephemeral trends or anecdotal evidence.

Brand Awareness: To rapidly boost visibility, Facebook and Instagram provide unparalleled reach by tapping into multi-billion-dollar monthly user bases. Leveraging Stories and Reels on Instagram can deliver supplemental exposure through ephemeral yet highly shareable short-form videos.

Engagement: If fostering audience relationships and interactions is the key objective, then more conversational platforms like X.com (formerly Twitter) and Snapchat warrant focus. Their interactive formats and response-focused features allow brands to facilitate timely dialogues and provide personalised support.

Lead Generation: For B2B brands seeking new prospects, the LinkedIn juggernaut presents unrivalled targeting precision across key variables like title, seniority, company, industry and more. Tailored campaigns can efficiently penetrate accounts and roles requiring your offerings.

Carefully consider which metrics – brand mentions, content likes, lead sign-ups, sales opportunities, or other goals – deserve tracking for each platform chosen.

Analysing Your Strengths

Rather than fixating on current platform fads, objectively assess what content style and formats your brand can deliver effectively in the long term.

For companies with product demonstration at the core, visual platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok should anchor their work. Text-driven publishers might prioritise article-friendly channels - Medium, LinkedIn, and Reddit. Brands producing high-quality photos or graphics can leverage visual-centric Pinterest and Instagram efficiently.

Also, ensure the content form aligns well with platform layouts and consumption habits. For instance, vertical video thrives on mobile-centric TikTok, but horizontal YouTube assets fall short. When sharing articles, static snapshot visuals see more engagement on Pinterest than lengthy X.com threads.

Competitor Analysis

Take cues from category leaders who succeed on alternative platforms. Using social listening tools, examine competitors’ content formats, community engagement levels, follower growth, ad budget allocations, and overall platform effectiveness.

These intelligence inputs help identify potential gaps representing differentiation opportunities and vet platforms warranting evaluation.

During the pandemic, many companies observed increased success with TikTok marketing. Competitor analysis often showed significant improvements in lead generation and brand visibility across various sectors. Inspired by these trends, some firms launched tailored TikTok campaigns, which led to notable increases in free trial sign-ups and brand mentions within a few months.

Evaluating Platform Features

For networks under consideration, invest time examining current capabilities beyond superficial perceptions. Review feature roadmaps to anticipate near-term platform evolutions aligned with your needs.

Facebook continuously enhances direct messaging and customer response functionality as its user base grows. Similarly, creators now have diverse monetisation and community-building options across YouTube, TikTok, and more.

Consider your content production and performance tracking requirements as well. For example, LinkedIn expanded its capability for long-form articles tied to sharper audience analytics, recognising the need from professional publishers.

Determine platform infrastructure support for plans also. Scalable self-serve networks merit strong consideration for resource-constrained startups. For brands pursuing sales attribution, channels offering robust closed-loop analytics like Facebook and Pinterest carry advantages.

Allocating Resources

Be realistic about organisational bandwidth for managing a thriving continuous brand presence across networks. Avoid overreaching by spreading teams thin.

Audit available skills, staff capacity across functions, and realistic content production budgets for social media initiatives. Align channel selection with identified constraints for a focused, high-quality presence rather than diffuse mediocre efforts.

With sound collaboration processes and tools, even compact teams can deliver. Shared asset creation and engagement response workflows, centralised content approvals, scheduling and publishing enabled by tools like Sprout and Hootsuite boost productivity for network expansion success.

For most brands, consolidating their presence across fewer well-supported platforms triumphs in launching many unsupported accounts. Early-stage companies can still build high-impact niche presences by smartly combining platform capabilities with automation.

Ongoing Evaluation

Continually track performance metrics across selected platforms to determine what's working and what needs refinement.

Monitor a wide range of parameters at preset frequencies depending on the platform:

Daily: Engagement rates on published content (likes, comments, shares), followers’ growth

Weekly: Mentions, hashtag volumes, competitor benchmarking

Monthly: Lead acquisition, sales impact, audience demographics

Based on insights uncovered, tweak strategies by:

Refining Content

Boost or rectify content types underperforming in terms of resonance and response rates. Review preferences revealing strong user partiality for video vs. blogs or live streams vs. Stories. Accordingly, tailor assets or double down on winning categories.

Also, assess content topics and themes. Examine engagement on rising trends or seasonal events compared to evergreen posts. Shift emphasis and production efforts toward better-performing areas throughout the year.

Expanding Platforms

If analysing competitor moves or campaign test results exhibits compelling platform potential, be ready to expand your presence. Set up listen-first accounts even without full-scale publishing to gather more behavioural data and validate hypotheses. Gradually ramp up content releases and community interaction while monitoring impact.

Switching Platforms

Conversely, continuously audit underperforming assets, weighing potential opportunity costs of maintaining inactive accounts. Consider consolidating presence or exiting platforms that are not yielding sufficient results despite extended experiments.

Optimising Investment

Social ad spending and resource allocation warrant reviews based on performance data. Promote content categories, campaigns, or platforms displaying the best returns on investment. Fund emerging high-traction initiatives at the cost of lagging channels lacking audience fit.

However, allow sufficient testing cycles before pulling back to avoid premature judgements. Patience and balancing ambition drive social media glory!

Sustaining Consistency

While evaluating ever-changing platform dynamics, focus on core audience needs and brand fundamentals. Resist upending foundational content pillars or company messaging rhythm for temporary viral fancies alone.

Frequently shifting social media priorities confuse audiences, dilute brand associations cultivated over time and fragment organisational attention. Build upon proven themes and styles while judiciously blending emerging preferences for an impactful, sustainable social presence!

Improving Your Social Strategy

Treat social media planning as a dynamic, continuous process rather than a one-time project. Regularly review performance metrics to pinpoint what's working well and requires additional effort. Then, realign priorities, content styles, and platform presence accordingly.

Stay on top of audience shifts, monitor technology feature upgrades and test emerging functionality constantly to evaluate network potential. Maintain flexibility for platform additions or switches to sustain market momentum.

By tempering FOMO-based choices with patient evaluation of audience traits, brand needs, and channel strengths, your social media roadmap will unfold reliably.