January 25, 2023

Be Remembered: Building Brand Loyalty

Brands must work to get noticed, be remembered, and re-remembered every time the consumer makes a purchasing decision.

We all have choices. Our potential clients have a plethora of purchasing choices of how to spend not only their money but also how they spend their time.

In the UK alone, there are 480 television channels (including free, pay, and streaming) and over 2400 breweries producing a multitude of ales, lagers, stouts, and various seasonal craft brews. Those are just two of the countless industries looking to earn a dedicated customer.

Consumers have limited funds and must decide whether to spend their money on entertainment, food and beverage, or new car tyres.

Brands must work to get noticed, be remembered, and re-remembered every time the consumer makes a purchasing decision.

A Harvard Business Review study indicates that businesses that score high in brand loyalty grow their revenues at 2.5 the rate than others in the same industry.

Be Purposeful

Every business has a purpose of profits and success, but there is another driver in successful companies: look deeper into the purpose of your business.

Evernote, the cloud-based notetaking and storage app, has the brand purpose of helping people remember the things that matter. Their logo displays their commitment to this purpose by choosing an elephant, an animal that never forgets.

How are you changing the world or your little slice of it?

Be Emotional

People remember feelings more than the actual events of an experience. Your brand needs to elicit positive emotions when consumers are using your product. They have the joy of commercial-free movies, the comfort of a hearty Christmas ale with friends, or the feeling of security when their new tyres grip the cold and rainy streets.

How do your brand's products make lives easier? How should they feel when they use your products?

Delivering a positive emotional experience comes when your products deliver on their promise every time. You're one step closer to earning loyalty when your brand can promise and over-deliver.

Be Relatable

People like people who are like them, and it's the same for brands. Your brand needs to have a fully developed personality that your preferred consumers can relate to and would want to share a pint, an expensive glass of sherry, or a wheatgrass smoothie.

Tiffany & Co. and Caterpillar Inc. are on opposite ends of the marketplace, with one selling delicate luxury items and the other selling rugged machinery. However, both score high in relatability with their customers. Both developed their brand personalities to connect with their customers. Their loyal customers feel an emotional ping if they see a little blue box or a giant black and yellow machine.

How does your company relate to its customers?

Be Consistent

Consumers are putting more importance on the values of the brands they give their patronage.

The Coca-Cola Company lists "Integrity: Be Real" as one of its values, which they demonstrate by offering the same brown sugary drink in a red can, whether you're in the Northern Quarter, the South Pacific, east Asia or West Africa.

What are your brand's values? What is the heart of your business demonstrated in everything your company does?

Brand loyalty grows when a customer has a positive experience with your brand. It's not driven by price or convenience but rather by quality products, exceptional service, emotional connections, and shared values. When brands can connect with each of these elements, consumers will overlook both price and convenience to remain loyal to the relationship you've created.

Your brand needs to be deliberate and dedicated to building brand loyalty to achieve regular and long-lasting success.

HiveMinded is a new creative agency in the heart of manchester's creative district. To give your brand the best chance of flourishing in a competitive marketplace, give us a buzz to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.